Reducing Power Measurements of UTIA DSP platform by Cloack-Gating Technique, Report on Experimental Results
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<a href="" target="_blank" >RIV/67985556:_____/09:00339887 -</a>
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Reducing Power Measurements of UTIA DSP platform by Cloack-Gating Technique, Report on Experimental Results
Popis výsledku v původním jazyce
With the increasing size and complexity of the today SoC systems,reduction of power consumption has become an important issue and an area of very active research. Clock gating (i.e. switching off the clock input of registers in cycles when they are not used) is one of techniques used in ASIC design to reduce dynamic power. Current FPGA devices contain multiple networks for distribution of clock signal and, in principal, allow for use of the clock gating technique. In this report, we present the resultsof power consumption measurements on design with and without clock gating technique on so called, which is a master-worker based multiprocessor architecture with MicroBlaze as master and a reprogrammable accelerator as worker. Since the worker may represent significant part of the overall design size, we have implemented the clock gating technique to reduce its power consumption in the IDLE time.
Název v anglickém jazyce
Reducing Power Measurements of UTIA DSP platform by Cloack-Gating Technique, Report on Experimental Results
Popis výsledku anglicky
With the increasing size and complexity of the today SoC systems,reduction of power consumption has become an important issue and an area of very active research. Clock gating (i.e. switching off the clock input of registers in cycles when they are not used) is one of techniques used in ASIC design to reduce dynamic power. Current FPGA devices contain multiple networks for distribution of clock signal and, in principal, allow for use of the clock gating technique. In this report, we present the resultsof power consumption measurements on design with and without clock gating technique on so called, which is a master-worker based multiprocessor architecture with MicroBlaze as master and a reprogrammable accelerator as worker. Since the worker may represent significant part of the overall design size, we have implemented the clock gating technique to reduce its power consumption in the IDLE time.
G<sub>funk</sub> - Funkční vzorek
CEP obor
BC - Teorie a systémy řízení
Návaznosti výsledku
<a href="/cs/project/7H09005" target="_blank" >7H09005: SCAlable LOw Power Embedded platformS</a><br>
Z - Vyzkumny zamer (s odkazem do CEZ)
Rok uplatnění
Kód důvěrnosti údajů
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
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záznam výsledku experimentu
Číselná identifikace
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technicka dokumentace k experimentu
Ekonomické parametry
snížení spotřeby DSP platformy
Kategorie aplik. výsledku dle nákladů
IČO vlastníka výsledku
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Stát vlastníka
CZ - Česká republika
Druh možnosti využití
P - Využití výsledku jiným subjektem je v některých případech možné bez nabytí licence
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N - Poskytovatel licence na výsledek nepožaduje licenční poplatek
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