Zhodnocení pohybu temporomandibulárního disku během otevírání úst na mladých dobrovolnících
Identifikátory výsledku
Kód výsledku v IS VaVaI
<a href="https://www.isvavai.cz/riv?ss=detail&h=RIV%2F68407700%3A21220%2F07%3A02134787" target="_blank" >RIV/68407700:21220/07:02134787 - isvavai.cz</a>
Výsledek na webu
DOI - Digital Object Identifier
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Jazyk výsledku
Název v původním jazyce
Evaluation of the Temporomandibular Joint Disc Movement during Mouth Opening on Young Volunteers
Popis výsledku v původním jazyce
The main aim of this work was to determine the relative displacement of the temporomandibular (TM) disc and the mandible during mouth opening and closure. While the movement of the mandible has been already published, though only for small mouth opening,the behaviour of the disc during the same movement has not been well depicted. The movement of the TM disc was studied on young volunteers using a magnetic resonance imaging. We used a customised mono-directional "spreader" device to achieve proper mouth opening positions. Static sagittal images in revolved sections of the temporomandibular joint were obtained in various positions of jaw opening from 0 to 50 mm. The head was fixed to avoid major displacements; smaller displacements were corrected usingthe geometric transformation. The motions of the TM disc and the mandible were observed. The results provided a description of the TM disc displacements as a function of jaw opening.
Název v anglickém jazyce
Evaluation of the Temporomandibular Joint Disc Movement during Mouth Opening on Young Volunteers
Popis výsledku anglicky
The main aim of this work was to determine the relative displacement of the temporomandibular (TM) disc and the mandible during mouth opening and closure. While the movement of the mandible has been already published, though only for small mouth opening,the behaviour of the disc during the same movement has not been well depicted. The movement of the TM disc was studied on young volunteers using a magnetic resonance imaging. We used a customised mono-directional "spreader" device to achieve proper mouth opening positions. Static sagittal images in revolved sections of the temporomandibular joint were obtained in various positions of jaw opening from 0 to 50 mm. The head was fixed to avoid major displacements; smaller displacements were corrected usingthe geometric transformation. The motions of the TM disc and the mandible were observed. The results provided a description of the TM disc displacements as a function of jaw opening.
D - Stať ve sborníku
CEP obor
BO - Biofyzika
Návaznosti výsledku
<a href="/cs/project/GA106%2F07%2F0023" target="_blank" >GA106/07/0023: Aplikace syntetických biomateriálů pro náhrady obličejové části skeletu lebky.</a><br>
Z - Vyzkumny zamer (s odkazem do CEZ)
Rok uplatnění
Kód důvěrnosti údajů
S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o projektu nepodléhají ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů
Údaje specifické pro druh výsledku
Název statě ve sborníku
The 6th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics
Počet stran výsledku
Strana od-do
Název nakladatele
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Místo vydání
Místo konání akce
Vrnjačka Banja
Datum konání akce
9. 5. 2007
Typ akce podle státní příslušnosti
WRD - Celosvětová akce
Kód UT WoS článku