Plasma polymerization as an effective tool for surface modification of glass fibers applied in polymer composites
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<a href="" target="_blank" >RIV/00216305:26310/16:PU122522 -</a>
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Plasma polymerization as an effective tool for surface modification of glass fibers applied in polymer composites
Popis výsledku v původním jazyce
The fiber coating method is essential for improving the interfacial adhesion in glass fiber reinforced polyester composites. In our study, plasma polymer interlayers of pure tetravinylsilane monomer and monomer in a mixture with oxygen gas (0-71%) were used to surface modify glass fibers at an effective power of 2.5 W. We demonstrate that elemental composition and chemical structure of plasma polymer can be influenced by an amount of oxygen atoms (0-18 at.%) partly incorporated into plasma polymer network (Si-O-C, C-O-C) and partly forming side hydroxyl and carbonyl groups eliminating cross-linking of the network. The Young’s modulus of the interlayer decreased (19.3-12.2 GPa) with enhanced oxygen concentration as was controlled by the level of polymer cross-linking. The adhesion at the interlayer/glass interface can be maximized at an amount of 33-46% oxygen in the mixture as the result of sufficient concentration of Si-O-C bonding species and adequate cross-linking of the network. The vinyl groups
Název v anglickém jazyce
Plasma polymerization as an effective tool for surface modification of glass fibers applied in polymer composites
Popis výsledku anglicky
The fiber coating method is essential for improving the interfacial adhesion in glass fiber reinforced polyester composites. In our study, plasma polymer interlayers of pure tetravinylsilane monomer and monomer in a mixture with oxygen gas (0-71%) were used to surface modify glass fibers at an effective power of 2.5 W. We demonstrate that elemental composition and chemical structure of plasma polymer can be influenced by an amount of oxygen atoms (0-18 at.%) partly incorporated into plasma polymer network (Si-O-C, C-O-C) and partly forming side hydroxyl and carbonyl groups eliminating cross-linking of the network. The Young’s modulus of the interlayer decreased (19.3-12.2 GPa) with enhanced oxygen concentration as was controlled by the level of polymer cross-linking. The adhesion at the interlayer/glass interface can be maximized at an amount of 33-46% oxygen in the mixture as the result of sufficient concentration of Si-O-C bonding species and adequate cross-linking of the network. The vinyl groups
O - Ostatní výsledky
CEP obor
JI - Kompositní materiály
Návaznosti výsledku
<a href="/cs/project/GA16-09161S" target="_blank" >GA16-09161S: Syntéza multifunkčních plazmových polymerů pro polymerní kompozity bez rozhraní</a><br>
P - Projekt vyzkumu a vyvoje financovany z verejnych zdroju (s odkazem do CEP)
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