Thermodynamic Potential of Electrical Turbocharging for the Case of Small Passenger Car ICE under Steady Operation
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<a href="" target="_blank" >RIV/68407700:21220/17:00320416 -</a>
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DOI - Digital Object Identifier
<a href="" target="_blank" >10.4271/2017-01-0526</a>
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Název v původním jazyce
Thermodynamic Potential of Electrical Turbocharging for the Case of Small Passenger Car ICE under Steady Operation
Popis výsledku v původním jazyce
The proposed paper deals with thermodynamic optimization of highly flexible ICE (variable compression ratio, intake/exhaust VVA) while comparing e-turbocharging concept with classical one. The eturbocharging approach is based on idea that compressor/turbine has its own electric machine (motor/generator) and that additional electric energy can be supplied/attached from/to engine crank train. Hence it allows independent control of compressor/turbine. On the other hand, classical approach is based on a standard mechanical connection between turbine and compressor. The whole system (flexible engine + boost device) is optimized under steady operation – low load (BMEP of 4 bar), medium load (BMEP of 13 bar), high load (BMEP of 30, 25 and 18 bar) and maximum load are considered. Moreover, 3 combustion concepts are considered – classical SI and CI, and ideal RCCI. Sensitivity study of selected parameters is performed: e.g., efficiency of electric machine(s), HP exhaust manifold volume. All the results are achieved by means of simulation using 0-D/1-D SW tool. The data are analyzed and general conclusions are drawn while focusing on thermodynamic potential of e-turbocharging concept under steady operation.
Název v anglickém jazyce
Thermodynamic Potential of Electrical Turbocharging for the Case of Small Passenger Car ICE under Steady Operation
Popis výsledku anglicky
The proposed paper deals with thermodynamic optimization of highly flexible ICE (variable compression ratio, intake/exhaust VVA) while comparing e-turbocharging concept with classical one. The eturbocharging approach is based on idea that compressor/turbine has its own electric machine (motor/generator) and that additional electric energy can be supplied/attached from/to engine crank train. Hence it allows independent control of compressor/turbine. On the other hand, classical approach is based on a standard mechanical connection between turbine and compressor. The whole system (flexible engine + boost device) is optimized under steady operation – low load (BMEP of 4 bar), medium load (BMEP of 13 bar), high load (BMEP of 30, 25 and 18 bar) and maximum load are considered. Moreover, 3 combustion concepts are considered – classical SI and CI, and ideal RCCI. Sensitivity study of selected parameters is performed: e.g., efficiency of electric machine(s), HP exhaust manifold volume. All the results are achieved by means of simulation using 0-D/1-D SW tool. The data are analyzed and general conclusions are drawn while focusing on thermodynamic potential of e-turbocharging concept under steady operation.
J<sub>ost</sub> - Ostatní články v recenzovaných periodicích
CEP obor
20303 - Thermodynamics
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Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper Series
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US - Spojené státy americké
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